
       I have met in my life   at the very least
two stammering men        who were characterized
especially paranoid egocentricity     and spider
       I was several times      really surprised
where it was found in those young people    that
uproarious - although hidden hatred - towards me
or, possibly, against anyone who makes the fatal
mistake and somehow often mere unwillingly, they
incite them against self.
       Until recently,     I began to understand
that these men they have,       because of their
defect, the constant feeling that they make them
ridicule, it is true that sometimes legitimately
but mostly not  - for example, many words have -
hidden in itself - the syllable Stam    - such a
person then immediately set one's back up    and
therefore the poor man returns it to hell world.
       He often observes     his innocent victim
with eyesight,         searches for and secretly
documents his discoveries with a smirk, coloring
them and commenting them  - especially the young
boy - who it is not too handsome, stuttering and
therefore    he has not great the success of the
opposite sex         - he becomes egocentric and
strongly envious - forasmuch as I stand a little
on the other side, sometimes too much, I confess
and I do not usually stutter,   I will naturally
become the target of his hidden mistrust     and
later the hatred that this man     will start to
nurse against me especially when,      when some
more refined diva use me - to his motivation for
the thirst for her      with the jealousy to me,
which I do not take amiss a little bit,      God
forbid,  and I really don't have the strength to
defend to it, boys, sorry, they are all mine
