Intro..                                                                    ...Back
Draw...                                                                    ..Along
Poems..                                                                    ...More

       The wise Toltecs: had long ago seen: that: we are living in hell: and that:
the fear is the Lucifer: and that: we want the hell        - because we don't like
ourselves - so simply and from the soul:  so we mutilate ourselves from the heart:
and rape: we want to be good especially for others: to fit in:    not to be alone:
to achieve warm recognition: from people equally scared: selfish and smug    - and
that's the hell -  that we accept the lie: and that:     we are afraid to live our
       According to this good book: what I grabbed it hungrily   - just when I was
really scared of my life: it's necessary to get rid of this. Those reconciliations
with hell on Earth - are called agreements:  the evil old agreements: which:  need
be abandoned and: new agreements need to be made: namely this four:  Be Impeccable
With Your Word           (I just stopped at first: that I'll have to impoverish my
unfettered language badly - but it is something else fortunately)      :Don't Take
Anything Personally:  Don't Make Assumptions: and: Always Do Your Best.
       I know that I'm an egoist and narcissus: and I feel a strange human delight
in questioning extraneous thoughts: but since I left the agreement which forced me
to appear outwardly other: than I'm inside me: it does not hurt me too much    - I
do this  - I dig - I'm questioning - I'm contaminating: it happens whenever:     I
think: I've finally found the recipe for life:   which applies without reservation  
- I'm excited and I try to live by it and bang ...     (also it concerns you Lord)
Another nice book behind which is the bitter experience of a man in a hat:     not
much for me: there is something inside: nice words:      but I have to go further:
write my own:
       For God's sake: you have to make the assumptions   - how happiness it would
be without dreams? :The beautiful Veronika - she smiled at me yesterday: tall: she
was wearing T-shirt that was tied at her nape in the summer:      it was clear: we
wouldn't see together anymore: it was such a sadder long smile: and her brown eyes
flickered ... I know she liked me ... it would be beautiful  ... to grab her hand:
to spend with her one day over the route: to snow her with sweet flatteries:   the
whole long evening: and to untie the reward with two fingers in the early morning. 
       I'm so charming in my head.
       Don't dare to live without dreams! If you want to be as stupidly happy as I
am: you have to do it: even now I drive on assumption: that: I'm a poet: and:  you
read me with respectful amusement - you admire me - especially the women so admire
me: oh: Veronika: how could I continue: if I didn't bath every day:        in this
beautiful assumption?