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The research: which I did at that time - on the way back from Uranus: Mr. Doctor.
Foggy. I was in love and mostly drunk:
it is possible: that some people must drink or drug: because: on the other hand is suicidal extremism?
That is probably why we lost sector D.
We spent the three years in that strange smoke. We were breathing it.
One morning I remembered Juan Matus: in pieces: build up a fog around your life: and no one then knows who you are.
That means getting rid of personal history: and: from that day on: I started to support the fog by smoking:
I have grown in bowls tobacco leaves and magic mushrooms: also weed - later I made the clay (Prexlar and Dentw were cremated)
And than I really started to plant -
I talked to herbs: I assured them every time: that: I would become their food once -
I'm a botanist Mr. Doctor: and notice: this is exclusively about plants:
noisy sects: peeled hemp seed : coffee: riesling bandage: communicative smokes: 
flashes: breezes: ornate tinkles - we were musicians Mr. Doctor: our fiercer fire: more zealous glitter
With all due respect: PhMr Jotl Durman Ph.D. :Professor of irrational nutrition