Intro..                                    Cumlíček do granka       Soother in cocoa -
Draw...                                        prvého baránka       the first little ram
Poems..                                        a druhú ovečku       and second lamb
2001...                                    chovajú na mliečku       they're nursing with milk

                                             Za tretiu ovečku       For the third lamb
                                              košieľku oblečú       they'll put on shirt
                                            a štvrtý baranček       and the fourth ram
                                            nesfúkne kahanček       doesn't blowing off candle

                                             Lieskové oriešky       Hazelnuts
                                             sú piatej ovečky       belongs to the fifth lamb
                                           priesvitná hrkálka       the lucid rattle
                                             šiesteho baránka       of sixth little ram

                                          Perinka s obliečkou       the featherbed with pillowcase
                                          pod siedmou ovečkou       under the seventh lamb
                                               a ôsmy baránok       and the eighth ram
                                            na ceste na zámok       on the way to the castle

                                            Kamilky na venček       Chamomile to wreath
Back...                                       deviatej ovečke       For the ninth lamb -
Along..                                    postieľa na spánok       is bestrewing for the sleep -
More...                                      posledný baránok       the last little ram