Peas for all 3D ...                                                    I would like to - as a
                                                                       preliminary    point -
                                                                       - wrote        clearly
                                                                       and obviously   - that
Poems...                                                               why,  but I don't know
draw...                                                                I don't know  who I am
songs...                                                               - probably  because of
Stories...                                                             that   all this search 
tabloid...                                                             Certainly   - as a shy 
New joints...                                                          dreamer  I desire   in
Brothers and ssters...                                                 particular    to  show
                                                                       before all       these
                                                                       people,           what
                                                                       overlooked         and
                                                                       underestimated me, but
                                                                       even   this is not the
                                                                       whole truth, because I
                                                                       keep going,    even if
                                                                       nobody    perceives me
                                                                       particularly -    it's
                                                                       just       a beautiful
                                                                       thing:      draw it or
                                                                       write it, so beautiful
                                                                       that   I like it for a
                                                                       while,     I feel that
                                                                       this is it,   I got it
                                                                       Finally!       I'm big
train shhh smoking pfooo sleeping..                                          This is      the true
                                                                       I'm waiting for.   But
                                                                       it never   takes long,
                                                                       it's gone       in the
                                                                       morning  and I need to
                                                                       start over quickly:  I
                                                                       would really   like to
                                                                       write here   who I am,
                                                                       where I belong,    why
                                                                       all this and where   I
                                                                       point with these,  but
                                                                       I don't know         -
                                                                       apparently   - I don't
                                                                       belong anywhere -  I'm
                                                                       a poet  among artists,
                                                                       between writers      -
                                                                       songwriter - and among
                                                                       musicians,   certainly    
2007-2014 © peter krutek                                               I would be    a dancer...