November 01: 2022 ...                                                                                       ... Intro
Noon ...
There is definitely a parallel between sunflowers and Africa ...
Unnamed ...
Here we are quite similar: don't you think so Honey? ...
Mamma ...
Your sister is beautiful Honey: tell her: maybe she doesn't know it ...
I can't get enough of your beautiful feet ...
Similarity ...
Shining Alia under the orange tree (Oreéne was probably there too: some time ago) ...
Express the love ...
October 23: 2022 (Life came from the sea) ...
Strollin' ...
Beautiful Alia drawn with colors borrowed directly from Marc Chagall's flying dreams ...
One day we will count them together ...
Marc Chagall ...
Flipping through the pink book ...
Will you please show us Honey: how persistently you work on your chameleonism? ...
October 16: 2022 (Love at the exibition) ...
Dream - undream ...
Sweet fruit ...
October 13: 2022 (Just beauty) ...
Jewelry ...
October 11: 2022 ...
Dragonfly ...
Sunday portrait (Crayons and marker 53x59cm) ...
Serval ...
Hot morning flows through the window ...
Caracal ...
Unnamed ...
Yes Honey: you're too beautiful for this kind of anonymous gray ...
Dumdeereedum ...
Beautiful Alia and chorus of waving infinities
Electrifying conversations ...
Vapor enchantress ...
Flora ...
Honey: shall we do something intellectual? ...
October 03: 2022 ...
Milk for mustache ...

Along ...