Once on a  ... Intro ...  ... A pompous death
whimsical  bed                           ... Akela
somewhere   in                       ... Orbital t
BA,      I was                          ... Fusion
wondering what         ... Pollock in the Hogwarts
I would     do                 ... Indirtinational
with my futile                      ... Paso doble
life,    I was               ... Liquid teddy bear
already                                 ... Rubens
infected  with                           ... Danae
   those black
     smallpox,                           ... Along
     which are
called     the
art,  I lifted
my  ass on the
wall       and
suddenly     I
discovered  it
-      I could
force   people
   to read the
poems!    But,
   how do I do
that? The wall
coated  with a
gray felt  - I
looked up   on
my sweaty
socks, my head
was    already
filled    with
blood  from my
feet and again
it grabbed me:
I will combine
poems     with
drawings   and
drawings  with
songs,  I will
do   the work!
Those who like
fine Arts  can
read poems, if
they want   to
expand   their
    j ust like
those who will
be listen   to
songs,    they
  can look for
parallels   in
drawings   Ha!
Let's go                          © 2022 Peter Krutek