Once on a     ... Intro ...        ... Tens of ones
whimsical  bed            ... Gatherer and chromatomania
somewhere   in                                  ... Dona
BA,      I was        ... Mowgli at the end of the world
wondering what                          ... Tabloid 4240
I would     do          ... Peter, the naive academician
with my futile                  ... Charlie's bloody end
life,    I was                          ... Run Forrest!
already                                         ... Juro
infected  with              ... Dark milk to the morning
   those black                                  ... Laco
     smallpox,         ... Blue elephant and the tapires
     which are                          ... Thanks Honey
       usually                      ... Literary journal
called     the           ... Peter Krutek (sweet ballad)
art,  I lifted                               ... Murillo
my  ass on the                 ... Motivate me Mr. Toman
wall       and                         ... Yews in detox
suddenly     I                     ... I love this woman
discovered  it                                   ... Bro
-      I could                                 ... Milka
force   people                                  ... uran
   to read the                           ... Don mochito
poems!    But,                            ... Caravaggio
   how do I do                          ... Back to back
that? The wall                                   ... Bea
           was                               ... Gazelle
    pleasantly                     ...The Veal medallion
coated  with a                            ... Caravaggio
gray felt  - I                          ... Holy Trinity
looked up   on                                  ... Leda
my sweaty                       ... Institutionalization
socks, my head                          ... Ilustracions
was    already
filled    with                                 ... Along
blood  from my
feet and again
it grabbed me:
I will combine
poems     with
drawings   and
drawings  with
songs,  I will
do   the work!
Those who like
fine Arts  can
read poems, if
they want   to
expand   their
    j ust like
those who will
be listen   to
songs,    they
  can look for
parallels   in
drawings   Ha!
Let's go                             © 2022 Peter Krutek