Index.. Draw... Poems.. The street polishes the faded paces on the corners: distributes dog's literature: for heels: and: their rising tendencies daily they aspires for a branch: polyhedral maturation: moonwalk on the treadmill: sewer without grid to look at: bizarre market traffic light figures out the curves call each other: whores and immediately following - malleable meanders In one of the apartments: exclusive - with openable doors: unfortunate yearning souls strays in the light strips above the thresholds: there is still life in every corner: pianino is suffering with back pain: in the cupboard by the blinded window: the gloves mates with socks: and with latte butterflies: and timeless alarm clock macerates its worn-out elbows in eider silence. In the middle of the feathers ripped from loving chest: I deeply experience every breath:Back... Along.. More...