Once on a     ... Intro ...  ... Rembrandt crater in March
whimsical  bed                                        ... Norbi
somewhere   in                                    ... Velasquez
BA,      I was            ... Whom do you have there and others
wondering what                     ... Blackbird (Tabloid 4239)
I would     do                                    ... Velasquez
with my futile                                     ... Cherokee
life,    I was                                     ... Cardinal
already                             ... I'm not even an atheist
infected  with                              ... Where I'll hide
   those black                                     ... Tádadída
     smallpox,                                    ... Velasquez
     which are                                     ... The Face
       usually                                   ... Madam Lisa
called     the                        ... The Seedsman of holes
art,  I lifted                                         ... Mona
my  ass on the                     ... I was dancing with a guy
wall       and                                     ... kruto.sk
suddenly     I                                      ... Griette
discovered  it                               ... Interpretacion
-      I could                              ... Girl with pearl
force   people                ... The cruel price for the truth
   to read the                                        ... Špiro
poems!    But,                                      ... Tenches
   how do I do                                    ... Testament
that? The wall                ... Jakub, elephant and narcissus
           was                                      ... Why not
    pleasantly                         ... The Elective Special
coated  with a                                   ... Guinea hen
gray felt  - I                                     ... At Ciggy
looked up   on                                         ... Poet
my sweaty                                    ... Self Portraits
socks, my head                               ... Andalusian dog
was    already
filled    with                                        ... Along
blood  from my
feet and again
it grabbed me:
I will combine
poems     with
drawings   and
drawings  with
songs,  I will
do   the work!
Those who like
fine Arts  can
read poems, if
they want   to
expand   their
    j ust like
those who will
be listen   to
songs,    they
  can look for
parallels   in
drawings   Ha!
Let's go                                     © 2022 Peter Krutek